Artist Lauren McCarthy, with a 24-hour simulation within the project, creates an opportunity to observe the collaboration between human and artificial intelligence and their possible future roles.
The performance, with the collaboration of Performistanbul, will be hosted by the performance artist Leman S. Darıcıoğlu who will act under the control of AI in a space that has a house atmosphere which is created in Digilogue Space in Zorlu PSM.
Digilogue Summit-Future Tellers’18, which will be held at Zorlu PSM between 19 – 20 October, will host the performance project called “24 HOUR HOST”. The projects are premiered by the new media artist Lauren McCarthy in collaboration with Casper Shipper for the first time on Sundance Film Festival. It is sponsored by “MU in Eindhoven, NL” and supported by Sundance Fellowship. The performance, with the collaboration of Performistanbul, will be hosted by the performance artist Leman S. Darıcıoğlu who will act under the control of AI in a space that has a house atmosphere which is created in Digilogue Space in Zorlu PSM. It will start on Friday, October 19th at 21.00 and will take 24 hours. In the meeting, Artificial Intelligence will conduct profile analysis from the participants’ social media sharing and guide the performance artist for an appropriate welcome and dialogue. People who want to be a guest of the event which is hosted by humans and AI and participate in this performance can register via
Digilogue Summit- Future Tellers’18, which is annually organized by Digilogue and mainly focuses on open or closed usage of knowledge, creativity, algorithms and data, will be held at Zorlu PSM on October 19-20. In this context, on the evening of Friday, October 19, in the event of 24 HOUR HOST, artificial intelligence and human will host together. “What will be the role of people in a future centered on artificial intelligence? ” “When algorithms begin to optimize every interaction and appearance of living things, can the last role left to humans be to uncover emotional conflicts in artificial intelligence systems? ” The 24 HOUR HOST project, which is created on these questions, describes a 24-hour communication and interaction between human and artificial intelligence, implemented by the performance artist and whose interaction with people is determined by the directives given by the software.
In the 24 HOUR HOST project; a new guest is taken to the meeting area at 5-minute intervals. A maximum of 8 guests stays in the event area for half an hour.
In the 24 HOUR HOST project; a new guest is taken to the meeting area at 5-minute intervals. A maximum of 8 guests stays in the event area for half an hour. Directives, that is acquired by analyzing the profile of the participants via social media, are given to the performance artist and dialogues are made through these directives. Artist Lauren McCarthy, with a 24-hour simulation within the project, creates an opportunity to observe the collaboration between human and artificial intelligence and their possible future roles.
Zorlu PSM – 24 hours full of art at Digilogue Space!
Focusing on the themes of “Open Source Movement” and “New Learning”, Digilogue Summit-Future Tellers’18 will open its doors on October 19 at 9 pm. In parallel with Leman S. Darıcıoğlu’s 24 HOUR HOST performance, it will also host many different events for 24 hours. In this 24-hour journey that combines technology and art; summit participants Casey Reas, Kyle Mcdonald and Gene Kogan’s audiovisual performances will be open to all visitors free of charge during the night at Zorlu PSM Led Display Stage.C / A, Ayça Ceylan and Pınar Yoldaş’s works will also be exhibited on Led Display.
Digilogue Summit – Future Tellers’18, which will be held for the third time at Zorlu PSM on October 19-20, will host the speakers who shed light on the future of art and focuses on the socio-cultural reflections of technology for two days. While panels and speeches take place on the first day of the event, workshops will be held on the second day.
